Street Series 2 (2022-3) - Taunton, Hankridge

As planner I was sorry not to be there last night. Looking at the tracks, it seems there were lots of different ways of approaching the problem - I’d like to hear people’s thinking!

There looked to be an awful lot of controls, so it was a matter of which, and I decided to get as many as I could of the 40s and 50s. I might have been the only one to go for the 50s in the NW corner which was probably the cause of my late return.


Many thanks to Alasdair for planning and giving us lots of choices. And to Judy and Roger for hosting.

Really enjoyed but lost a lot of time trying to cross the busy roads and had to use the traffic lights once. I wasn’t wearing a watch this week so lost track of time (as I put my phone in a pocket to ignore being called by my children on the run!) and mindful of a penalty looming, off-set by collecting a few more controls on the way home/finish. I spotted early one control number 48 had a different colour to the circle and assumed it was an even. Looking forward to the next one after Christmas, Angela


It was a really interesting area with lots of cut throughs and options.

I started on red, taking the North bridge and ultimately stuck to red for most of my time before pivoting to blue to take advantage of the line of blues heading up to the second bridge.

Likewise lost a bit of time on busy road crossings, but also due to a lapse of concentration when I thought I was leaving 23 not 49 along the river and took the wrong turn. Only figured it out when I went back to the river and my watch went off for 23!

Thanks for planning and for standing out in the cold all evening Roger & Judy @craddocktaunton .

The next one is mine at Bishops Hull - a compact area but including Netherclay there is enough for everyone with plenty of choices to make.

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Hi, yes certainly lots of route choice. I wasn’t looking forward to the freezing conditions but was actually warmer than I’d been all week. Typically I made the same mistake as last time and missed the path to the obvious first bridge so just carried on. To then compound the error got to the top of the second bridge and realised in my haste had missed the 30 point control so went back down to get it…grrr. Also found that there were so many lamp posts etc it was difficult within the circle to get the right one. Anyway, thanks especially to Judy with the worst job. I’m not hiding my score, but despite having uploaded to the database it doesn’t ever appear on the results?

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Bad luck @RosieW - I purposed aimed for the second bridge, but it took me a while for my brain to connect what I could see with the map so I was pretty hesitant until the bridge.

Problems with transfer of Garmin watch data to download and recorded a 3hr run of 10.6ml! Why does it not stop when it displays finish? Anyway I was 7mins late having lost my headtorch on the way back and had to go by my chest-light (thanks to Phil for an excellent addition to my night running equipment). I attempted to retrace my steps in the car to find it - it should have been obvious as it as it would still have been on - but without success, and ended up having a verbal with a local when I parked across his (public) turning circle!
Thanks to everyone for turning out on such a cold night, especially Judy who had spent the previous day in bed with a serious bout of 'flu. Hopefully we can find a local hostelry to retire to after the next SS


I’m afraid I can’t see an upload from you. Can you try uploading again? And if that doesn’t work, send me the gpx file so I can load it.

I love my chest light! Great in fog as you get less glare.

I was relatively pleased with my run as a whole. I started on blue, going in an anticlockwise circle, avoiding everything north of Toneway. I quickly clocked that it was not going to be possible to get all the controls, so made a couple of pragmatic decisions to reach my planned switchover point SW of the start with about 27 mins on the clock. I took much the same route on the reds, with a slightly smaller loop, missing out on some of the outliers. A really good street series, so thanks Alasdair for planning, and Judy for sitting out in the cold! I don’t know if anybody else noticed this, but there was a rather unfortunate individual in the inner/outer circle who had clearly decided to wash their car, only for the entire thing to be covered in sheet ice.


I took a similar general route to Andy Reynolds on Short but didn’t reap the points despite running a similar distance. The main difference was at the west end where Andy had a more productive loop and with time to spare for collecting on the return.

I sort of switched off into a local knowledge mode as I used to do a lot of lunchtime runs around here. I ended up being drawn to places I knew rather than proper planning- a little knowledge is a dangerous thing…