Planners' course

Steve Robertson @srober10 , one of our most experienced orienteers, has agreed to run a planners’ course during the summer of 2023. We would like to invite you to attend. If you have planned before but not attended a course of this nature, we would encourage you to come as there is probably still a lot to learn/clarify and your previous experience would be a valuable contribution.

The course will hopefully be held at Kingston Village Hall Committee room.

  1. The Basics - JOG level (White to Light Green course planning) - 27th April
  2. Review of ‘homework’ from week 1, Planner role and responsibilities,
    moving on (Green to Brown courses) - 18th May
  3. Review of ‘homework’ from week 2, BOF rules and guidelines, planning
    hints and tips - 8th June

Please can you let Judy know whether you are interested and probably able to attend (or post on this topic and we will pass it on).