Miffy's Marathon

Miffy Treherne, one of more successful and active members, is running the London Marathon after several previous delays. She has been training and preparing for this for three years and we know she would really appreciate support from members. She writes:

"Dear QO friends

Some of you may know that I am running the London Marathon on 2 October to raise funds for Alzheimer’s Research UK (ARUK). My mother died from Alzheimer’s in April 2019, and I cared for her during her last 8 years as she gradually lost the ability to care for herself.

I had to pull out of last year’s event having injured myself on the Quantock Challenge (!), but was able to carry forward my place to this year. Many thanks to all those who sponsored me last year – all sponsorship is carried forward to this year’s total, and ARUK received the donations when you made them.

If anyone else would like to sponsor me, then all donations, however small, that can go towards helping find a cure for this horrible disease would be gratefully received. You can find my fundraising page here.

Elizabeth Treherne is fundraising for Alzheimer's Research UK

Many thanks

Miffy Treherne "


@Miffy good luck with the marathon - and I am sure you are grateful to have avoided injury this year!