MapRun Course Planning Query

Can anyone help me with planning of a maprun activity?

I am trying to replan the Combe Wood courses but I’m struggling to find a route back to the finish for the Hare and Squirrel courses, which have to stay on paths, without them going back on the same route they went out on.

I know I need to plan the courses so the competitors do not accidentally end their run early by going too near the finish (as I did on my very first maprun!) What I need to know is what happens if they get too near the start after they have been to a few controls? Does it start them again, or just ignore it?

Thank you for your help.


Pretty sure it ignores it.
Repeated normal controls are registered but ignored in the results. But Finish stops it whenever punched.

Thank you. That helps a lot.

That’s a question I was going to ask. Running to the finish on one of my courses, sets off an earlier control, I was hoping that it didn’t matter!

Yes. On a linear course, it notes but then ignores out if order controls (other than finish).
So running S 1 2 5 3 4 6 F would be DNF but S 1 2 5 3 4 5 6 F would be fine.

On on score course, it notes repeat punches but doesn’t add to the score on second etc visit.

But what about S123S456F

I have run back past the start on the LongRun Meadow course when I realized I had missed a control in French Weir Park and that was OK. We would be happy to do a ‘dummy run’ for you at any time if you send Alasdair the map and Courses to set up ‘TestSites’. Simon Beck is happy to update his map in OCAD

I had no problem going back through the start at the Combe Wood event.

I have also successfully got a pivot control working without that hundred extra punches as it bounces back and forth. Trick is to copy one control rather than creating a new one at the same place.