Compass sport cup team event

Compass sport cup team event - your club needs you!

This year we are hosting the event at Croydon Hill, near Dunster, on the Sunday 23rd February.

At this event you race individually in your age class and everyone’s result contributes the overall club score.

The more entries we have across all the age classes the better our score will be!

Please click the following link to let me know if you can or cannot attend, if you can help, and your preferred course from the list below.

Please complete the form for each family member.

Course 1 - Brown - Men Open
Course 2 - Short Bown - M40+, M20-
Course 3 - Blue - Women Open
Course 4 - Blue - Men M50+
Course 5 - Green - Women W45+ W20-
Course 6/8A - Green - Men - M60+ M18-
Course 7 - Short Green - M70+ W60+
Course 8B/10 - Short Green - M80+ W70+ W18-
Course 9A - Orange - M14-
Course 9B - Orange - W14-

For queries, please email



:running_man: More Quantock Orienteers required :running_woman:
We have 24 competitors so far. :mega:
Ideally we would have at least 2 on each course, so courses 2, 3, & 5 are short!
Are you missing from the list? Can you help support the team?
If so please let me know using the google form in the post above.
We have several runners able to run up a course but then we will need others to back fill, so please enter even if you age class appears full :wink:
If you are have any problems completing the google form then please email

Put yourself on the list!