Carshare on RaceSignup for Events

RaceSignup, who manage our pre-entries for events, have now finished testing their car share function. It will hopefully help people save money, lower CO2 emissions, and reduce traffic/parking around events.
You will now start to see it on QOFLs and similar events. Below is the quick guide from RaceSignup…

How it works
By joining the Car Share scheme for this event you can connect to others who are looking
for or can offer a lift. You only need to provide the first part of your postcode, e.g. SO51 or
RG2, to help connect you to someone suitable. If you are travelling part of the way by
public transport and just need a lift for the last leg, put in the postcode for the end of your
train or bus journey.
You sign up to drive and/or get a lift. If you sign up as a driver we’ll show you people who
are close to your route to the event and are looking for a lift. If you sign up as a passenger
we’ll show you drivers whose journey to the event takes them close to your postcode.
We use the absolute minimum personal data to enable the scheme to work and you are
always in control. When you decide to connect with someone else in the scheme we will
send them your first name and your email address. Sometimes it’s easier to set up car
share by phone. If you take the option to add your phone number when you sign up, it will
also be sent to the person you want to car share with.
Choose who you want to connect to and click on the Send button to send them your details:
first name, email address and optionally your phone number. If you manage to set up a car
share please come back here and update your status.
Car sharing does not affect your car insurance. If you’re not generating a profit from the
journey, and are not giving a lift to more than eight people at once, the Association of British
Insurers states that normal car insurance policies are unaffected by car sharing.
The scheme is entirely voluntary and operates on a self-help basis.
Car Share Scheme
Terms and Conditions.

Staying Safe
It’s worthwhile following some common sense tips when car sharing:
● Avoid providing your full name or address before you have met someone.
● Only agree to a lift if you’re happy.
● You are never under any obligation to share a lift. If you don’t feel comfortable, don’t
go through with the lift – even if it’s been agreed.
● As with any activity that involves meeting new people, it’s advisable to meet in a
public place the first time. It’s a good idea to let friends and family know your plans.
● Don’t share your phone number unless you feel it is safe to do so.

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