BOF Badge Scheme

For newer members who have been to major events, you will have noticed that in the age class results there are ‘standards’ which depending on how your run went, your name will appear above or below. These can be Championship, Gold, Silver, or Bronze. Perhaps less known is that these standards are linked with the BOF Badge Scheme.

This seems to have taken a back seat in recent times with other incentive schemes such as Navigation and Racing Challenges operating. There was a time when the Badge Scheme was higher profile with actual Badge events and there was even a regular list of Championship Badge winners published in CompassSport magazine.

As I hit Championship three times in 2021, I dug the page up and decided to pursue to add to my vintage Gold badge from M35 days. I suspect I may have been the first applicant since then as BOF admin had to be helped a bit with the old school process. First attempt they sent me just the M60 badge, not a great incentive there! In the end I received the new badge so happy days and there are also certificates available.


Congratulations. It sounds like getting the badge was almost as hard as qualifying for it!

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